I am so very sorry for the loss of this incredible woman. Sheri Mondik is simply the nicest and kindest person I know. We met because of her dog Shep. I own the training facility she trained at. Sheri came for a log time to Clearwater Dog Training. I eventually added the rescue Nikenos Second Chances and Sheri liked sending people to us to find an animal. We had a long relationship between the training and the rescue.
Sheri was a gem and will be missed. In honor of Sheri and celebration of her life, her friends and family have asked you to support a cause Sheri was fond of. Should you want to support a cause Sheri was a part of, we would be very honored and I think Sheri would appreciate your contributions in her honor.
You can use Venmo or simply send a check to:
Nikenos Second Chances
1446 Estes Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
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